Friday, December 20, 2013

Pay Attention, Get Excited and Never Quit!

Have you ever met someone who changed the direction of your life? Many years ago I met a man who would changed the direction of my life and later became my mentor. He was happy, healthy and wealthy. After hearing him speak for the very first time, I knew that I had to get to know this guy.

I asked him if I could have some of his time to talk to him as I wanted to know what he knew so that I could become like him. He said "sure, however, on one condition, you get a book called Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and read it." I ran to the nearest book store, got my copy and read it through the night and that book forever changed my life. The next day he asked if I read it and of course I did.

At dinner that night, I asked him how he became so successful? He looked at me and said if you want to become successful you must do 3 things and you better write them down.

#1 Pay Attention, but you must be careful who you pay attention to. He said find someone who has what you want and do what they do until you get what they got. If you want to learn how to play golf you most certainly do not want to learn from someone who has never played golf before. Make sure that you find someone who is getting the desired results that you want.

#2 Get Excited! He said that people are more impressed by the heigth of your enthusiasm than the depth of your knowledge. If you are not excited, you need to set some goals that do excite you. If you have ever run across someone who is so excited, it does not matter what it is, everyone becomes curious in what is going on, so get excited.

#3 Never Quit. Winners never quit and quitters never win. If you want something bad enough, you must be willing to pay the price and keep at it. Most average people quit when they are "3 feet from gold" keep digging and keep the faith that you will accomplish all that you've set out to accomplish and you will.

Most people are looking for this secret formula; well here you go. I followed this plan and in less than a decade I was a millionaire before the age of 26. I hope that this post is beneficial for you in some way and wish you all the best.


Jeremy T. Brayfield


  1. Hipolito Edna said, Love those words !! Miss ya !

    1. Miss You as well Edna. So happy to see you still thriving and loving life.

  2. Justin Clark said, Three things to live by.

    1. Thanks buddy, I hope that you are doing well.

  3. Shabnam Joon said, So I need to get that book!

    1. I would highly recommend if you have not read.

  4. Carrie Jo Owen said, Johnson Well said!

  5. JP Guzman said, A new blog??... excellent idea!!

    1. Thank you JP. Hope you are well. If ever in the Houston area please reach out to me.
