Friday, April 18, 2014

3 Keys to Success: Who Is A T.O.?

3 Keys to Success: Who Is A T.O.?: Today I would like to share something that one of my many mentors wrote back in1994. This man had many talents I was was fortunate enough to...

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

3 Keys to Success: Pay Attention, Get Excited and Never Quit!

3 Keys to Success: Pay Attention, Get Excited and Never Quit!: Have you ever met someone who changed the direction of your life? Many years ago I met a man who would changed the direction of my life and ...

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Who Is A T.O.?

Today I would like to share something that one of my many mentors wrote back in1994. This man had many talents I was was fortunate enough to work right by his side for the last few years of his life.

This article is geared more towards those in the timeshare/vacation ownership industry, however, it can apply to any management position in the world today.

Who Is A T.O.?

"In the world of business a T.O. is Nobody. The business world doesn't even know what T.O. stands for. Corporate america doesn't even know what a T.O. is.

Only in the Timeshare World do people acknowledge what a T.O. is in this great industry of now over 4 Billion the T.O. is the Heart and the Soul of the industry. Without the T.O., the industry would still be a Mom and Pop business. If we truly believe any of this, then who is this person we call a T.O.?

In all the things that follow, I'm speaking of a successful T.O, not just a person who closed a few sales.

A T.O. has got a beautiful life as well as a beautiful profession. This person can go Anywhere in the world and get a job, and make $100,000 and up. He has the Freedom in where he wants to Live, and Freedom in Who he wants to work for. He has the Freedom to see the world, the Freedom to Party every night, with great hours at work so he can. He has the Freedom and Choice to stick and stay with a company to make it pay. In any walk of life the greatest asset you can have is the ability to earn lots of Money and be as Free as you want to be!

What is the make-up of this person called a T.O.? This person must have many qualities starting with a Great Attitude, Personality, Determination, Ability to Listen, Charisma, Manners, Appearance in dress, Empathy, Courtesy, Persistence, Drive, Focus, Dreams, Goals and Patience to name a few.

What makes this person the Heart and Soul of a Four Billion Dollar Industry? What functions does he perform?

This person called a T.O., puts themselves on a pedestal and they rise above everyone else. They are the first people to work and they are the last people to leave. This person has all the qualities mentioned above to allow himself to be on that pedestal and cannot allow himself to come down to other levels. This person is always Focused on Business, during and after, it matters not. This person is always setting good examples, always looking for someone to help, Always looking for ways To Make It Better.

This person must have great patience, because it takes Great Patience to be a Good Teacher and Teaching is a Big Part of the job. It takes No Talent to Fire a man. It takes a Man to Make a Man.

This person must love the business and believe in it more than anything in the world.

This person must also know that Anything is Possible if we want it bad enough.

This person must also know there are No Limits on what can be done.

This person Sets Goals and does everything in his/her power to achieve them.

This person must have the ability to make people like them immediately and trust them.

This person must learn to read people and more importantly listen to them.

This Person must learn to live with the Ups and Downs of closing and learn to separate the little things that burn energy from the big things.

This person must learn how to get along and understand people from all walks of life.

This person must know how to motivate people, because generally you have to make people money.

How simple it is to be a T.O."

What wise word from my mentor David Boise. How true are these words for those of you in the timeshare industry. What a remarkable job you have a what difference you make each day.

Cheers to all the Gladiator T.O.'s out there and make this week your best yet.


Jeremy T. Brayfield

Friday, December 20, 2013

Pay Attention, Get Excited and Never Quit!

Have you ever met someone who changed the direction of your life? Many years ago I met a man who would changed the direction of my life and later became my mentor. He was happy, healthy and wealthy. After hearing him speak for the very first time, I knew that I had to get to know this guy.

I asked him if I could have some of his time to talk to him as I wanted to know what he knew so that I could become like him. He said "sure, however, on one condition, you get a book called Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and read it." I ran to the nearest book store, got my copy and read it through the night and that book forever changed my life. The next day he asked if I read it and of course I did.

At dinner that night, I asked him how he became so successful? He looked at me and said if you want to become successful you must do 3 things and you better write them down.

#1 Pay Attention, but you must be careful who you pay attention to. He said find someone who has what you want and do what they do until you get what they got. If you want to learn how to play golf you most certainly do not want to learn from someone who has never played golf before. Make sure that you find someone who is getting the desired results that you want.

#2 Get Excited! He said that people are more impressed by the heigth of your enthusiasm than the depth of your knowledge. If you are not excited, you need to set some goals that do excite you. If you have ever run across someone who is so excited, it does not matter what it is, everyone becomes curious in what is going on, so get excited.

#3 Never Quit. Winners never quit and quitters never win. If you want something bad enough, you must be willing to pay the price and keep at it. Most average people quit when they are "3 feet from gold" keep digging and keep the faith that you will accomplish all that you've set out to accomplish and you will.

Most people are looking for this secret formula; well here you go. I followed this plan and in less than a decade I was a millionaire before the age of 26. I hope that this post is beneficial for you in some way and wish you all the best.


Jeremy T. Brayfield